Strangeworks' Whurley at QWC 2023: The Convergence of Quantum Computing & Artificial Intelligence

Whurley, Founder and CEO of Strangeworks, spoke during the Innovation Ecosystem breakout track at Quantum World Congress 2023 on "The Convergence of Quantum Computing & Artificial Intelligence".

whurley is founder and CEO of Strangeworks, an Eisenhower Fellow, a Senior Member of the IEEE, founder of the Quantum Computing Standards Workgroup at the IEEE, the first Ambassador to CERN and Society, and the co-author of "Quantum Computing For Babies” and the upcoming “Quantum Computing for Dummies” (available for pre-order now). Prior to starting Strangeworks he was a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs [NYSE: GS]. He came to Goldman Sachs via the acquisition of his second startup, Honest Dollar. Prior to Honest Dollar whurley founded Chaotic Moon Studios which was acquired by Accenture.


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